St Stephens Anglican Church in Belrose is a welcoming community that follows Jesus. We are located just around the corner from Glenrose Shopping Centre in Frenchs Forest, and serve the suburbs of Belrose, Frenchs Forest and Davidson. We value Bible-based preaching and the reading of God's word, heartfelt worship, a 'family' feel and genuine personal connection. We invite you to join us.
The Bible is at the centre of our lives together and our message to the world because it is the word of God, given to us by the Spirit of God and pointing us to Jesus, the Son of God. It teaches us who he is, what he has done and how we should respond in repentance and faith. We're a bible-believing, evangelical church and alive in Christ through his Spirit. |
We believe that faith in Jesus Christ affects all areas of our daily lives, as individuals and as a church together. The Holy Spirit as God’s presence is the one that makes those changes, strengthening and guiding us. We seek for the output of our faith in Jesus to be love and service to others. |
Our vision is to share the hope of Jesus. We do this by growing in Jesus together, by praying with purpose together and by loving our communities together. Read more about our Vision. |
"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.”
Philippians 1:9-11
We're part of the Anglican Church family across Sydney, a network of Christian congregations where people from all backgrounds are introduced to Jesus Christ and live out what it means to follow him. We follow fair and transparent governance procedures using the Anglican model. |
We're made up of people in all stages of life – babies to retirees – and our community life reflects this variety. Events throughout the week at the church site and in people’s homes help make and deepen friendships as we pray, support each one another and study the Bible together. |
Just like shopping local and supporting local teams, becoming part of your local church has great benefits. It's easier to get to know people well, to grow together, and to be part of the body of Christ in our local area, and to bring the hope of Jesus to our local communities. |
St Stephens Belrose has provided a place for Christians to meet and worship together since the 1930s when Belrose and the Forest area were rural farms, far out of Sydney. Read more about our story. |