What is the Good News of Jesus?If you are curious about what Christianity is all about, click this link to be taken to 'Two Ways to Live' and discover the good news of Jesus.
If you want to ask any questions about Christianity, you can contact our minister, or find an answer online by clicking here.
Sydney AnglicansSydney Anglicans belong to a network of churches encompassing the Sydney Metropolitan, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, South Coast and Illawarra areas. The area covered by this network is called a 'diocese'. The diocese is led by the Archbishop of Sydney, assisted by Bishops and the other ministry staff and governed by a 'synod' or church parliament which meets once a year. The way people encounter Sydney Anglicans may be through friends at work or in the community, who will introduce them to a local church. We hope you find a warm welcome at any of the more than 400 Anglican churches or congregations of people across Sydney and the Illawarra.
More info here. |
Help for reading the bibleYou can the YouVersion bible app for free to your phone or tablet. Or you can talk to our pastors to get a free hard copy of the Bible.